Current and Past Projects:

Key to Typhaceae of E. North America (includes the cat-tails & bur-reeds)

Key to cattails and bur-reeds (Typhaceae) of Wisconsin 

Typhaceae of Wisconsin – a new treatment for the Flora of Wisconsin Project

Wisconsin Initiative on Climate Change Impacts – Plants and Natural Communities Working Group

Evolution and Diversification of Sparganium in American Journal of Botany

Sparganium in New Manual of Vascular Plants of Northeastern United States and Adjacent Canada

Evolution of Emergent, Floating and Submerged-Leaved Habits in Sparganium (presented at Botany 2010) abstract

Discovering Wisconsin’s bur-reeds (presented at Wisconsin Wetlands Assoc. 2014)

Plant Communities of the Allen Creek Watershed

flora of Pleasant Valley Conservancy

National Wetland Condition Assessment

Quercus Land Stewardship Services

Wisconsin Flora Website: from the Wisconsin State Herbarium

Sytsma Lab, UW-Madison Botany Department

50 years of change in vegetation at forest sites across Wisconsin, and in National Parks of the Great Lakes Region – Plant Ecology Lab, Department of Botany, UW-Madison

Poa nemoralis at Kemp Natural Resources Station

WIRF (Wisconsin River Floodplain) project: Turner Lab

Plant Inventory of Eagle Heights Woods and Wally Bauman Woods, UW-Madison Lakeshore Nature Preserve

Great Resources:

Michigan Flora online

Wisconsin Wetlands Association

The Prairie Enthusiasts

Botanical Club of Wisconsin

Botany Slides of Hugh Iltis

Native Plant Finder

Salix of Wisconsin (George Argus, 1964, with Illustrations by F. Glenn Goff)

Sparganium in Flora of North America (Kaul, 1997)

Monograph of Sparganium (Cook & Nicholls, 1986, 1987)